Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Release Date : May 3, 2013 Limited Actors :William Fichtner,Mary-Kate Olsen,Ashley Olsen,Candice Bergen,Joan Rivers,Susan Lucci
Scatter My Ashes At Bergdorf's Synopsis: It's the most mythic of all American emporiums and the scene of many an ultimate fashion fantasy. Now audiences get a rarified chance to peek behind the backroom doors and into the reality of the fascinating inner workings and fabulous untold stories from Bergdorf Goodmans iconic history in Matthew Mieles Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's. (c) EOne PG-13
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Review For Scatter My Ashes At Bergdorf's
Yes, the store has managed to attract big spenders for more than a century, but the film reveals that there is as much richness in good anecdote as a painstakingly conceived window vignette.Amy Verner-Globe and Mail
Piles on the designers and insiders, making no lasting impression other than to spark musings on the folly of excess.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star
This is an infomercial disguised as mildly entertaining cinema.
Christopher Muther-Boston Globe
[Prefers] to polish the marble of the block-long Bergdorf Goodman store rather than look past it. Still, for die-hards, peeking into back halls and hearing the dish will satisfy.
Joseph M. Amodio-Newsday
Jumps skittishly from subject to subject, disjointed and repetitive for all but dyed-in-the-wool fashionistas.
Ronnie Scheib-Variety
There's so much material that's amusing, and so much goodwill for Bergdorf in the hearts of fashion lovers, that it's a shame this is such an ADD sprawl of a movie.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post
Ridiculously reverential...a love letter to the famously upscale New York department store, lacking any critical sense.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion
As detached from the real world in 2013 as a primer on how to choose the best-tasting caviar.
Matt Pais-RedEye
A feature-length video promo piece positioned as a documentary, pure infomercial/advertorial.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
Stunning fashion documentary, joining the ranks of 'Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel,' 'Valentino: The Last Emperor,' 'The Tents,' 'The September Issue,' etc.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate
It's like a vanity project for - well, who, exactly? I could barely sit through the whole film; I can't imagine wandering the aisles of this puffed-up emporium.
Marshall Fine-Hollywood & Fine
Shallow, tedious and, worst of all, boring.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru
An obnoxious documentary asking us to bow down in homage to a temple of the very rich where conspicuous consumerism is worshipped.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice
...even in my anticipation I could not have realized how entertaining this is, clearly one of the most entertaining films of the year.
Tony Medley-Tolucan Times
Fashionistas will kvell over this paean to the Mecca of Materialism.
David Noh-Film Journal International
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