Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Release Date : Mar 1, 2013 Limited Actors :Stewart Brand,Paul Hawken,Tom Turner,Doug Scott Kramer,Martin Litton,Jerry Mander,Philip Shabecoff,Lois Gibbs,John Adams,Robert Bullard,Stephanie Mills,Paul Relis,Lee Swenson,Amory Lovins,Rex Weyler,Paul Watson,Wolfgang Sachs,Thomas Lovejoy,Adrian Cowell,Barbara Bramble
A Fierce Green Fire Synopsis: Inspired by the book of the same name by Philip Shabecoff and informed by advisors like the biologist E.O. Wilson, A FIERCE GREEN FIRE chronicles the largest movement of the 20th century and one of the keys to the 21st. It brings together all the major parts of environmentalism and connects them. It focuses on activism, people fighting to save their homes, their lives, the future - and succeeding against all odds. (c)First Run Features Unrated
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Review For A Fierce Green Fire
Comprehensively tackles a sprawling subject and keeps things loose and lively.Loren King-Boston Globe
Kitchell plods through this worthy material.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
It's a decent overview of the subject, but the film's presentation is unexceptional, and it never hints that there is reasoned opposition to the views it advocates.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle
A worthy reminder of how much has been done to help heal our planet's ecological woes as well as how much remains to be achieved.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times
About as sleepy as a documentary can be.
Neil Genzlinger-New York Times
There's no consistent narrative thread to carry the film from start to finish, and A Fierce Green Fire fails to open any singular intellectual or psychological point of investigation.
Zachary Wigon-Village Voice
If the point of A Fierce Green Fire is to dissipate conflict and join all viewers together under one big cause, then it finally succeeds.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid
There's certainly plenty of material there, but the movie mostly tells us about them rather than showing us.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Essential viewing for those with a social conscience... showcases a rare and cogent macro-portrait skill unmatched in the arena of this topic since An Inconvenient Truth.
Maybe the best environmental documentary.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
It is expertly edited and features an effective mix of archival footage, stills, and primary-source interviews.
Martin Dunphy-Georgia Straight
Funny to see the rotten reviews of this film as if it were supposed to be entertaining as a romantic comedy. We are in deep shit, brothers and sisters, and this movie gives you and idea of how good people are trying to pull us out of it.
[A] clear-eyed and much-needed overview of the modern history of people fighting for nature without even realizing, way back when, that they were also fighting for human beings as an inextricable part of nature...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher
A lucid and prophetic documentary that will rekindle your passion for making your small contribution to saving the planet.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice
The firector avoids all manner of stylistics, opting instead for the formulaic documentary trifecta of first-person interviews, archival material, and news footage.
Drew Hunt-Slant Magazine
Positively inspiring.
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