Sunday, May 26, 2013

Watch Free Dead Man Down Full Movie Now

Movie Title : Dead Man Down
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense
Mpaa Rating : R
Release Date : Mar 8, 2013 Wide
Actors :Colin Farrell,Noomi Rapace,Terrence Howard,Dominic Cooper,Isabelle Huppert,Armand Assante,F Murray Abraham,Stephen Hill,Wade Barrett,Beata Dalton

Dead Man Down Synopsis: Niels Arden Oplev, the acclaimed director of the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, makes his American theatrical debut with the new action thriller, DEAD MAN DOWN. Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace star as two strangers who are irresistibly drawn to one another by their mutual desire for revenge. The film co-stars Academy Award (R) nominee Terrence Howard and Dominic Cooper, from a screenplay by J.H.Wyman (Fringe). (c) Film District R

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Review For Dead Man Down

A way-too-leisurely thriller whose destination is fairly obvious from early on, but to which the talented cast apply themselves with effortful seriousness.
Trevor Johnston-Time Out

Explores a common ground for noir thrillers before stumbling and imploding in a climax that feels like it might have been hijacked from an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

While a mob thriller can be as nasty as it likes, what it can't be is silly.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

More a dark fairy tale about vengeance than the action-packed crime thriller it purports to be, the film is at times exhilarating, bold, and beautiful -- when it's not busy being ludicrous, fragmented, and just plain stupid.
Bilge Ebiri-New York Magazine

Dead Man Down is a very serious thriller featuring very serious stars being very serious about the seriousness at hand.

This blend of Scandinavian gloom and Hollywood hokum never jells.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

A scatter-brained plot never quite works itself out.
Jim Schembri-3AW

The plot takes a bit too long to get any traction and consequently the film feels rather long. Still, I like the fusion of Hollywood and European filmmaking sensibilities
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace are a knockout combination, their relationship grounded on a knife's edge of destruction
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Dead Man Down feels like two different films struggling against each other. One a brooding Euro thriller, the other a clunky Hollywood actioner. Neither really works.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

There are a couple of decent action scenes but this is just too ridiculous to be taken as seriously as it expects to be. With a slight re-edit, it could be re-released as Naked Gun 4.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

It's a modern-day, edgy love story at heart ... The climatic ending ... is pretty spectacular ... Though nothing new, it's beautifully realised and shot.
Lisa Giles-Keddie-HeyUGuys

Needless to say, the whole thing builds towards a big shoot-out, but none of the action is executed with any verve or style.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Dead Man Down is a self-consciously dark movie that's ultimately let down by JH Wyman's script.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

As with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Oplev uses darkness to convey atmosphere despite the overt crispness of the movie's digital look. Some old-fashioned celluloid grain would have done it the world of good.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

A sturdy potboiler that's directed with a European sense of space and rhythm, accepting of character flaws, and generous with time for characters to breathe and develop at their own pace.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

[Rapace] will be enough to send some to this urban thriller but the film will send them away disappointed.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

By the time Dead Man Down descends into ultra-violence, you'll be long past caring.
Emma Dibdin-Digital Spy

Here's yet another preposterous action movie that's made watchable by a skilful director and an engaging cast.

It soon collapses into violent and boring nonsense.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

A lifeless attempt to fuse a taut crime thriller and a complex psychological drama.
Nigel Floyd-Film4

You are left feeling sorry for the actors who do their best, including Britain's Dominic Cooper, wasted as a dorkish gangster colleague of Victor's.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

Oplev, who made The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, can do this stuff in his sleep and somnambulism is largely the style here.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

This is too dull to function as a thriller and too silly to qualify as anything else.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph

A disappointingly by-the-numbers revenge yarn unspieled at great length ...
Tim Evans-Sky Movies

Any film in which Isabelle Huppert is cast and then given absolutely nothing to do is a crime against cinema.
Martyn Conterio-Little White Lies

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