Friday, June 14, 2013

Watch Free The Great Gatsby Full Movie Now

Movie Title : The Great Gatsby
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Release Date : May 10, 2013 Wide
Actors :

The Great Gatsby Synopsis: "The Great Gatsby" follows Fitzgerald-like, would-be writer Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz, bootleg kings, and sky-rocketing stocks. Chasing his own American Dream, Nick lands next door to a mysterious, party-giving millionaire, Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), and across the bay from his cousin, Daisy (Carey Mulligan), and her philandering, blue-blooded husband, Tom Buchanan (Joel Edgerton). It is thus that Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super rich, their illusions, loves and deceits. As Nick bears witness, within and without of the world he inhabits, he pens a tale of impossible love, incorruptible dreams and high-octane tragedy, and holds a mirror to our own modern times and struggles. -- (C) WB

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Review For The Great Gatsby

It's stupefying, it's vulgar, it's demeaning-it's dull and there's nothing like the dullness that is trying to be a sensation.
David Thomson-The New Republic

Joe Baltake-Passionate Moviegoer

There are no two ways about it: The Great Gatsby is misconceived and misjudged, a crude burlesque on what's probably American literature's most precious jewel.

The central problem with Luhrmann's film is that when it's entertaining it's not Gatsby, and when it's Gatsby it's not entertaining.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The best attempt yet to capture the essence of the novel.
Richard Roeper-Richard

A failure that should have at least been a magnificent mistake.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

Though it is quite possible that the neutered feel of Luhrmann's Gatsby is entirely due to studio meddling, the finished product isn't enjoyable, either as campy fun or a serious attempt at dismantling the American dream.
Violet Lucca-Film Comment Magazine

For some reason every time someone mentions Gatsby's name for the first time someone else has to say it questioningly, which to me sounds like a perfect condition for a drinking game
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

... offers some brilliant moments before turning into another case of self-indulgent sensory overload.

Se esta adaptação de Luhrmann funciona melhor dramaticamente que as tentativas anteriores, isto se deve à sua capacidade de humanizar o personagem-título sem desvendá-lo completamente.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

Without Nick to articulate the decline, The Great Gatsby is reduced to little more than a love triangle between the remotely rich.

A riveting reinterpretation for the Hip-Hop Generation apt to be best appreciated by fans of gangsta' rap videos weaned on shallow, hedonistic displays of misogyny and materialism.
Kam Williams-Sly Fox

While it never stops calling attention to itself, it's still a wonder to behold.

The biggest problem here is the quartet of Leo, Tobey, Carey and Joel stuck with such pain-in-the-arse characters. And all the amusingly anachronistic soundtracking, gorgeous production design and cinematic gloriousness can't make up for that, old sport.
David 'Mad Dog' Bradley-Rip It Up

What makes The Great Gatsby a failure is Luhrmann's fear of the delicate moment, the ungilded lily. His camera whizzes across Manhattan, hurtling down the sides of skyscrapers, until overkill seeps into every quiet corner.
Ryan Gilbey-New Statesman

An ambitious, beautiful but shallow alternative to typical summer fare.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

When you throw in the extravagant sets, costumes and visual effects, it's as if you're watching a moving painting. New York in the 1920s could not look any more beautiful.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

So we beat on, stereoscopic boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past, listening to Amy Winehouse.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

What's truly telling about this brash, boisterous adaptation is that the director clearly understands the spirit of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel better than most film critics.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Luhrmann's current creative mindset reflects more PT Barnum than J Gatsby; a manipulative showman able to conjure images of light and colour to dazzle the masses while wilfully neglecting their hearts and minds.
Simon Foster-Screen-Space

Sure, it's a Bazdardisation, but underneath the over-the-top art-deco design there's an elegant and sometimes touching tale to be found, with Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio) reaching out for the woman he cannot seem to forget.
Simon Weaving-Screenwize

For all of the impossible, succulent beauty Luhrmann shows us, the film doesn't thoroughly cultivate the emotional foundation it needs to prop up such extravagance.

It's cinematic gluttony and Baz Luhrmann does it incredibly well, but like the attendees of one of Gatsby's shindigs, you'll have a fun time but not remember much the next day
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Like Gatsby himself, it comes so close to achieving its dream, only to fall agonisingly and frustratingly short.
Matt Neal-The Standard

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